Wimble-Do, Wimble-Don’t

As we approach the nail biting, heart palpitation inducing and Pimms (or rain) soaked weekend that is the Wimbledon final, we thought we would compile a few simple do’s and don’ts for keeping your cool in SW19.

  1. Do accessorize, and we don’t just mean jewellery, bring a hat, umbrella, sunglasses and oversized scarf- you never know what the changeable English weather will throw at you
  2. Do wear sun cream, even cloud cover can’t protect from nasty ageing UVA rays
  3. Don’t hit the Pimms too hard too soon, an English persons secret potion it is always stronger than it tastes. Opt for some Maria Sharapova (Evian) water every now and then.
  4. Do dress to impress- whether that’s sporting your national flag with pride or elegant day time fashion… you never know when you might get papped.
  5. Do eat the strawberries, as many as you can, they’re in season
  6. Don’t spill your strawberries, the stains are a nightmare
  7. Do keep your jewellery subtle… Don’t wear diamonds during the day dahhhling
  8. Do take a light refreshing mist on your bag to cool hot, excited faces
  9. Do be sporting about it all, the Brits love an underdog
  10. Do play celebrity spotting
  11. Don’t sidle up to said celebrities
  12. Do keep make-up light channel the Queens of elegant grooming the Duchess of Cambridgeshire and Mrs Murray
  13. Don’t get the two above confused- that glossy hair makes for an easy mistake
  14. Do commander a Laurent Perrier Wimbledon champagne cooler
  15. Do hang out in the Village afterwards, we recommend the Fox and Grapes for a bit of seclusion or anywhere on the high street if you want to throw yourself in.
  16. Do live for the moment- Wimbledon and our hopes of a British champion are but once a year

Here’s the look we would be sporting at Centre Court today, some of it is on sale too….

Dress – Paul Smith: channel a vintage racket’s game

Brogues– Hush-UK: they even match the trophy- dress like a winner

Bianca & Stars Bracelet –  Efva Attling: the perfect subtle jewellery by our favourite Scandi Designer (a selection is also available at Wolf and Badger)

SW19 Bangle – Whistle and Bango: pick up a memento of your day with this bracelet

Pineapple studs – Lee Renee: because we can’t resist a touch of the tropics

Mayfair Tote bag – India Hicks: worth the shipping for this tote bag from our favourite British girl gone native- look out for the fluorescent touches on the inside

Panama hat– Rag & Bone: nothing says Great Britain like panama hat

Rosier – Nancy Meiland Parfums: anything but just the scent of an English rose




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